Our Children, Our Future

We believe the children are our future, that is why we must teach them well and let them lead the wayin showing them all the beauty they possess inside will make our great kingdom to be  more prosperous.among all giving them a sense of pride to make it easier to them to lead the way and the future generation of our great kingdom call Ancient kingdom  Abiriba and their  laughter will remind us how we used to live and be.

A tree cannot change its address, but we can; a fish cannot change its face but if we decide, we can do a makeover; elephants cannot change its shape or size but we humans can immediately bring changes to our physical body with our self-effort and many more. With real self-effort in the present, you can create a future in a way you want to experience. What is future? It’s an experience that we are waiting to experience. You can’t pause yourself in the present. As a human being you alone live your present having future in the mind and this is never going to change. Everything has got a value only when you use your present in a way which will facilitate or create a good future. Why are we talking about this? It’s because the future of this world is our children, the young generation. For many parents they are not just children, they are their life. No, matter how much ever you strive to create the best future for them; if they don’t have health and strength to enjoy it, it’s of no use. This is the biggest truth that everyone should realise before I talk about the present health condition of our young generation.

We should teach them well and let them lead the way, show them all the beauty they possess inside

Let’s focus on children below the age of 12, an age where our intervention is a must to help them create a good future. It’s our utmost responsibility to help them protect themselves from the damage that they will go through because of their exposure to digital media. As a parent, it becomes our responsibility to decide their screen time, anything that they visually interact: TV, mobile, Facebook, YouTube, video games etc. Screen time is different from gadget time. When your child watches a movie or cartoon on TV, it’s called screen time. When he/she is on mobile games, it’s called gadget time. Research says that parents engage their children with digital games to keep themselves free or to be undisturbed by them. When you stop or control their screen time, they will find other alternate ways to watch it without your knowledge. This is a wrong approach. If you don’t want them to use digital media, you should find ways to entertain them or engage them. Reading books, spending personal time with them, board games etc. are some ways to replace screen time. Many times parents do the mistake of putting their children in various activities which they are not interested in, like music, dance, sports etc. If they are not interested, they will ultimately divert back into gadgets. First you should understand that you cannot completely cut down their screen time but you can definitely have a control over it.

Future of this world is our children, the young generation. For many parents they are not just children, they are their life. No, matter how much ever you strive to create the best future for them; if they don’t have health and strength to enjoy it, it’s of no use.

Be rational not emotional,  most of the parents communicate to their children in an emotional way, not in a rational way. Everybody knows that today’s children are too much exposed to screen and gadgets and are aware of the ill effects too. As parents what you do is either scream at children or request them to be away from gadgets. Both ways are incorrect and is not going to work as this is emotional communication.



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